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10 “What If?” Moments To Make Your Day More Interesting - Antsy Labs

10 “What If?” Moments To Make Your Day More Interesting

When we were kids, our imaginations ran wild.

“What if you were a T-rex and I were a Triceratops and this dodgeball was the asteroid, and, and, and…”

There were no limits. Anything was possible. And we lived that way, at least until the sun set and we had to go home for dinner.

Then as we got older, our imagination took a bit of a backseat. We followed the rules a bit more. We got jobs.

But there’s something powerful about using our imagination to re-frame our world. It can help to break us out of our routines. It can give us new perspectives for old problems. Plus, it’s just plain fun.

So to help you channel your inner child, here are a handful of “What If…?” prompts you can incorporate into making your day a little more dynamic.

What If… 

  1. … You Took A Different Route Home From Work? -  Maybe you arrive home a little later than normal, or maybe you see a whole new side of town, a new cafe you want to try, or a new apartment to rent.
  2. … You Randomly Called Someone In Your Phone? -  They’re on your phone for a reason. Maybe checking in and seeing how they’re doing leads to the most interesting coffee conversation you’ve had in years.
  3. … You Said Yes To The Next Invite You Receive? -  Instead of debating the pros and cons of going on that weekend trip, what if you just said yes and ended up having a great time rediscovering your love of skiing?
  4. … You Ordered Dessert Next Time You Went Out? - Heavy is the head that wears the crown, and heavy is the stomach that has to consider a dessert. So don’t consider - just order a little something to share for the table. Who says no?
  5. … You Baked A Cake For The Office? - There may be no faster way to endear yourself to your coworkers than with baked bribery. Bring a little midweek pick-me-up to see what happens.
  6. … You Sent Your Resume To A Friend? - Ask for them to review it. Ask for them to pass it along. Either way, who knows what kind of professional good might come from being proactive.
  7. … You Took A Language Class? - You’ve talked about that time you took German in high school. Could an hour or two a week give you just the refresher you’ve been talking about?
  8. … You Dressed Up Fancy Today? - Got errands? Or a normal day at work? Spice it up with your finest duds, and maybe you’ll just catch a certain someone’s attention.
  9. … You Emailed An Old Teacher or Professor? -  They were such a big part of your life back then, why not ask them what they’re up to now?
  10. … You Used The Next Random Flight Discounts Email To Book A Trip? - Just wait for the thrill of that next message to spur you to action and add a little bit of spice to your day.

With our Get Out There IRLA Pack, we’re dedicated to inspiring you to take on those “what if” moments in your life. What if you took a dance class? What if you talked to a complete stranger? What if, what if, what if?

Like, what if you left a comment letting us know your favorite “what if…” scenario?

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