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10 Ways To Become An Adult In 2022 - Antsy Labs

10 Ways To Become An Adult In 2022

In a cruel twist of fate, yet another year is ending.

In many ways, 2022 may look a lot like 2021. 

A year ago, we were going from 2nd waves to 3rd waves of COVID with hushed whispers about new variants. Now, well, we’ve got vaccines and it’s time for boosters.

A year ago, we were wondering if we’d have to take off our sweats and go back to work. Now, 70% of companies may adopt a flexible schedule, meaning those sweats can stay in the rotation.

And with the main difference between the old Nintendo Switch and the new one being a fancy screen, we can keep trying to get that gold-plated Mario for another year.

So, with health care, work, and play looking similar, it’s up to you to push your own self-development. Well, up to you, and to us. Because if you ever want to earn that shiny IRLA Adulting Pack, you’ve got to step it up and get your adult on.

To help you, we’ve pulled together some sure-fire ways to find your way to the grown-ups table in 2022.

How To Figure Out Adulting In 2022

  1. Go To Bed - If you’re scrolling your feed in bed, it’s time for lights out. It’s time to be an adult and sleep 8 hours a night..

  2. Don’t Drink To Get Drunk - Savor that wine. Sip that brew. Appreciate that Appletini. It’s time to be an adult and stop waking up wondering where you are..

  3. Whose Fault? My Fault! - It’s tempting to blame everyone else for what’s going on - the government, our parents, our friends, our boss, or our laundry machine (even though we mixed the lights and darks). It’s time to be an adult and take responsibility for the situation you’re in.

  4. Buy Bleach - Maybe this is just for me? Anyway, it’s time to be an adult and learn to take care of our clothes.

  5. Keep Learning - Yes, school was a drag, waking up for classes hard, and cramming for tests futile. It’s time to be an adult and realize learning is an everyday activity that’ll keep us from making the same mistakes over and over again (see points 3 and 4).

  6. Spend Less - Just because you want something doesn’t mean you get to have it. It’s time to be an adult and spend less than you make.

  7. Set Goals - Existing is cool and all when you’re in school and you’ve got a plan to follow. Now, though, you’ve got to take charge of your life. It’s time to be an adult and make the most of your life.

  8. Be Nice - It’s fun to complain, but where does it really get you? It’s time to be an adult and treat other people with respect.

  9. Work *And* Life - You don’t get bonus points for working till exhaustion. It’s time to be an adult and strike the work-life balance you deserve. 

  10. Listen To Yourself - Stressed? Tired? Overworked? If you need a day off, find a way to take a day off. It’s time to be an adult and prioritize your physical and mental health.

What about you? Any particular adulting skills you’re looking to sharpen in the New Year?

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