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5 Not-So-Selfish New Year’s Resolutions To Make - Antsy Labs

5 Not-So-Selfish New Year’s Resolutions To Make

Look, don’t get us wrong. New Year’s resolutions are a great opportunity for a little self-reflection.

But more often than not, the majority of our resolutions are about ourselves. If we look at the cold, hard numbers from resolutions in 2021, the top 5 were:

  1. Improving my fitness
  2. Losing weight
  3. Saving more money
  4. Improving my diet
  5. Pursuing a career ambition

Now, focusing on health and financial wellness are admirable goals. But spending time focusing on others can also have benefits, too. Check out this quote from The Chelsea Psychology Clinic:

“When we give to others or think about others, this also helps us to connect more with other people. Social connection and having meaningful relationships with people is associated with improved mental and physical health. Conversely, difficulties such as depression and anxiety are characterized by self-focused preoccupation. Focusing our attention away from ourselves and onto others may help to reduce this.”

So, by sprinkling in a little bit of external focus, we could be setting ourselves up for an even better year.

Consider These Can’t Miss Community-Based New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Volunteer - Each month, set a reminder to do a search for different kinds of volunteer opportunities in your community. Maybe it’s helping out at a 5k Fun Run, maybe it’s lending a hand at the library, maybe it’s getting your paint on at the schools near you. By being consistent, you can develop a habit to help your community.

  2. Coach - You don’t have to be a pro-level player to get in on the athletic action. Look into assistant coaching opportunities at youth leagues in your area to shape the next generation of superstars.

  3. Read & Write - With organizations like 826 or Write Girl, you can put your creative writing muscles to good use for the kids in your community.

  4. Donate Blood - Don’t wait for a national emergency when there are plenty of people who need blood on a regular basis. You can donate whole blood 6 times a year - or platelets every 7 days (up to 24 times a year).

  5. Sort, Pack, Deliver, and Cook - Your local food bank has plenty of opportunities. Whether you want to do the heavy lifting and sort the stock that arrives, pack and assist at community events, deliver meals, or actually cook, being a consistent presence is a wonderful way to support your area.

If you’re looking for a real-life way to stay locked in on your community New Year’s Resolutions, you can also check out our Better Your Community IRLA Pack!

And be sure to let us know how we did - is there anything you would add to our list of community-based resolutions?

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